
Hubspot chatbot or Botnation chatbot: Which is better?

Chatbots are very beneficial inventions for the field of e-commerce and communication via social networks. They are conversational agents that can replace customer service representatives in companies. Since they are now numerous, there is a problem of choice. Between HubSpot and Botnation chatbots, for example, which one to choose? Here is our comparison.

Comparison of HubSpot and Botnation chatbots features

To better objectively verify which of the two chatbots weighs on the scale, it is necessary to put their features and services side by side to judge their weight. This is the price at which it will be possible to choose the best between HubSpot chatbot and Botnation.

Languages available on HubSpot and Botnation

In order to respond to customers, e-merchants need to expand their chat possibilities with users from different countries. Indeed, since customers come from all over the world and express themselves in their respective languages, commercial companies need multilingual chatbots.

Botnation tries to meet this requirement. As a communication bot in an international environment such as the Internet, it can serve answers to customers in several languages. It is designed to break language barriers and bring customers and virtual companies closer together.

As for the HubSpot chatbot, it has only one language for the phone support service (English). However, messaging, chat and callback are available in several languages, namely French, English, Portuguese, German, Japanese and Spanish. Most of the online company’s customers have a chance to be listened to and supported, with the HubSpot bot.

The tasks performed by Botnation and HubSpot

It is properly about the functionality of the bots in comparison. From the outset, it should be remembered that the extent of functionality of a conversational bot depends on its level of (artificial) intelligence. The more basic the level, the more limited the tasks are, and the degree of ergonomics can sometimes leave something to be desired. This is not the case with the Botnation Messenger agent. It has very high intelligence. It understands quickly and serves adequate answers to callers.

As for HubSpot bot, it converses freely, with perfection, so that the interlocutors feel as if they were in front of a physical person. In addition, it has other features that are absent in its counterpart, Botnation. For example, it offers hub CRM, hub sales, hub CMS, hub service and hub marketing.

HubSpot and Botnation: free or paid?

Obviously, the price factor is a determining factor in choosing the best chatbot. In this regard, it should be noted that there are paid and free bots.

As far as the Botnation conversational agent is concerned, it is perfectly versatile in terms of price or free. In fact, the designer of this chatbot has provided both free and paid versions. The freemium (free) version contains reduced functionality, while the paid Botnation integrates many more functions. It is more powerful, customizable and can be adapted to any online business interface.  HubSpot, on the other hand, offers its services without charging a fee in return. It offers a completely free CRM for individuals and (small, medium and large) businesses.

Final opinion

When comparing the two conversational agents, it turned out that the HubSpot chatbot has enough features and many languages, except for phone support. Botnation also offers a variety of languages and services. But it goes a step further, offering both free and paid packages. Without wanting to impose a choice, it seems that Botnation is the best.